Wednesday, 12 September 2012

090912 meet up with friends :)

DADA! went Namoo which located in PUBLIKA with yeong feng and mak! The kimchi soup there was so delicious! and i love the rice there! At first i thought the pricing for the food will be expensive but it is not!! The kimchi soup set if i am nt wrong,it was RM16.90. The portion quite big for me~ :D anyway,we also ordered sweet potatoes cake as our desert~ I think it is healthy because it is nt so creamy and the potatoes taste good :P the cake served along with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream

HOHO..After lunch,we went to ecurve because mak suggested to watch ''POSSESSION''! Oh ya, the journey to ecurve was just soo dangerous because it was raining heavily!!!! =O err..about this movie right..i thought it was quite horror.. but not too horror..just..ermm.. okay lah..anyway abit touching tho..


we went home after movie~
yeong and mak came to my house while waiting their parents to fetch them :DDD
so I brought them up to my room and talk =E heee hee
we also took some photos since we cant meet so often~
well,some of the photos were still with mak ,so...
i just upload some photos which is with me :)

 HAHA yeong is sooo slim and cutee!! :D spot her eyebeown!!!
my tummy so happy bcoz of delicious food and my life happy bcoz of good friends!! ❤  (。◕‿◕。) 
***(That's it for todayyy!! TATA~)***

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