Wednesday, 26 September 2012

So many assignments!!

Well, although there are only 4 subjects in sem 2 but still there are a lot of assignments to do and almost everyday got presentation!! For Computer Graphics, we oredi did 3 assignments (tracing) using Adobe Illustrator. Communication English 104 we did presentations and literature exercises and also we have to study 3 novels throughout this semester. Besides, I have one pending English assignment which is going to present it on next Wed. I also have a Creative Thinking's presentation next Tue and a brand new assignment waiting for me T^T 

             there are so much things waiting for me to do--


Actually kinda hard to reach what my creative thinking's lecturer wants, don't know what she want actually. I am kinda stressed every Tue because of her class. =_________=
Anyway, still have to deal with her : /

Monday, 24 September 2012

mint colour my fav colour! ♥

omg the shoes are so nice :P

Computer Graphics homework III

TADAA.. We have been given the 3rd homework! 
I've chosen this bcz i like the colour and it looks sooo cool! 

used quite long to finished this :) 

looks not bad right? 

Argggg,creative thinking subject really burst my head off !! It's totally different from its name...i think it is more like critical thinking or psycho thingyy..

Sunday, 16 September 2012



#relaxing and talking with yeongg at there

            #my bestiee                                                                                                  a cow.
                                         #she straighten her hair!                        
                                                                 she claimed that she looks horrible with her hair
                                      anyway,                                                                i dont think so.
her holiday ended after tonight,
she's leaving tml :(
will miss herrr!!!

I believe everything will be okay,it just need time. : /


Computer Graphics I

I just started my 2nd semester last week. The subjects I am having in this semester are Communication Eng 104, Pengajian Malaysia, Creative thinking and also Computer Gaphics. Well,the CG class sounds like it is the most interesting class among all the subjects!! :D
We started our first class by learning Adobe Illustrator. Ai is in graphic designs to create your own design like logos, a character or create scalable vector artwork for use in projects for both print and web.
Well, below is my 1st and second assignments : 3

Tracing a tatoo using pentool
*Hurayy!!*  finally done!! :DD


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

090912 meet up with friends :)

DADA! went Namoo which located in PUBLIKA with yeong feng and mak! The kimchi soup there was so delicious! and i love the rice there! At first i thought the pricing for the food will be expensive but it is not!! The kimchi soup set if i am nt wrong,it was RM16.90. The portion quite big for me~ :D anyway,we also ordered sweet potatoes cake as our desert~ I think it is healthy because it is nt so creamy and the potatoes taste good :P the cake served along with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream

HOHO..After lunch,we went to ecurve because mak suggested to watch ''POSSESSION''! Oh ya, the journey to ecurve was just soo dangerous because it was raining heavily!!!! =O err..about this movie right..i thought it was quite horror.. but not too horror..just..ermm.. okay lah..anyway abit touching tho..


we went home after movie~
yeong and mak came to my house while waiting their parents to fetch them :DDD
so I brought them up to my room and talk =E heee hee
we also took some photos since we cant meet so often~
well,some of the photos were still with mak ,so...
i just upload some photos which is with me :)

 HAHA yeong is sooo slim and cutee!! :D spot her eyebeown!!!
my tummy so happy bcoz of delicious food and my life happy bcoz of good friends!! ❤  (。◕‿◕。) 
***(That's it for todayyy!! TATA~)***

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Crazy buddies

So happy with my bestie,we went singk together for the very first time!! :D 
I love them!
We like to cubit each other faces and doing crazy moves!
Feels so happy to have them! ;D 

Saturday, 1 September 2012


OH MY...FOOD! I went to somewhere in sri sinar to have my dinner just now after starving for 7 hours.. I really love the food there especially the 水饺 and 清汤河粉. For the drinks, it is definitely the 酸梅莎莉水.  I haven't try out the 干咖喱云吞面there although it is very famous there. I have been there many times and I'll try that mee next time : ) Oh ya, I forgot to snap some photos because the food is too awesome!! : D