Friday, 16 November 2012

Beware!! it's a addicted song i would say :P

Computer Graphics assignment

TADAA,this is one of my CG assignment which we have to combine at least 30 photos and the marks will be given on how creative we arrange it : )

Monday, 5 November 2012

一直提醒自己,要珍惜现在所拥有的 :)

Monday, 8 October 2012

awesome nail art that I found out .

 strawberry on the nails looks so sweet! 
 combination of gold and black! i loves the patternss
 Haha COOL!
 Ladybird! I loves that red colour!
Ahhh my fav mint colour and polka dots!! 

Next CT assignment.

Redefine it.

My working place.

En En is drawing patterns! :D
 Ian,the noisiest boy in the class. After he draw a line,he sure will say :老师,然后leh? And keep on repeating his question. His fav sentence is 老师,我不会写leh. Then i sure will reply him: 不是写,是画啦...  ishh 
Kai Jian! (3 years old) 
Handsome Keith! : D but he's abit blurr since he's just 4 years old!
Making their rabbit lantern~ 
Zi Xin, Lyvia , Sylvia , Ashley
Jo Xit and Jo Yit 
they are brothers, Jo Yit is super cutee! :p
Kai Zhi is super 乖!
Miss Lim was teaching the students~
The classroom.
En En and Mei Ying :)))
Clement and Xin Fei
Vernicee is very adorable girl :DD
AHHHH..super big smile


keithh, the poser!


 Yong En :)
Dr. Octopus paper sculpture 

 Shin Ern,the ''dai gar jie ''
 3 cutiess! :3

 obviously who's the oldest one! LOL
 say cheeeseee!
 love them!! :P

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

So many assignments!!

Well, although there are only 4 subjects in sem 2 but still there are a lot of assignments to do and almost everyday got presentation!! For Computer Graphics, we oredi did 3 assignments (tracing) using Adobe Illustrator. Communication English 104 we did presentations and literature exercises and also we have to study 3 novels throughout this semester. Besides, I have one pending English assignment which is going to present it on next Wed. I also have a Creative Thinking's presentation next Tue and a brand new assignment waiting for me T^T 

             there are so much things waiting for me to do--


Actually kinda hard to reach what my creative thinking's lecturer wants, don't know what she want actually. I am kinda stressed every Tue because of her class. =_________=
Anyway, still have to deal with her : /

Monday, 24 September 2012

mint colour my fav colour! ♥

omg the shoes are so nice :P

Computer Graphics homework III

TADAA.. We have been given the 3rd homework! 
I've chosen this bcz i like the colour and it looks sooo cool! 

used quite long to finished this :) 

looks not bad right? 

Argggg,creative thinking subject really burst my head off !! It's totally different from its name...i think it is more like critical thinking or psycho thingyy..

Sunday, 16 September 2012



#relaxing and talking with yeongg at there

            #my bestiee                                                                                                  a cow.
                                         #she straighten her hair!                        
                                                                 she claimed that she looks horrible with her hair
                                      anyway,                                                                i dont think so.
her holiday ended after tonight,
she's leaving tml :(
will miss herrr!!!

I believe everything will be okay,it just need time. : /
